Hybrid cars- How they operate
Many people might not know what exactly a hybrid car is and
how it works. First of all, it is very crucial to understand that a hybrid car
is not the same as an electric vehicle. A hybrid automotive can be quite
different from the upcoming plug-in hybrids. Today’s hybrid auto is an amalgam
of an electric motor with a gasoline powered combustion engine. In an electric
vehicle there is set of batteries that supplies energy to the electric motor
that runs the wheels, whereas in gas powered vehicle, heat energy is generated
by burning gasoline that powers the engine. In the hybrid electric vehicles,
there are 3 different models, the series hybrids, the parallel hybrids and the
split hybrids.
Unlike a battery powered automobile or in short electric car,
the hybrid comprises of an internal combustion engine, though it adds other
electric components such as batteries and motors to boost efficiency and
utilize some of the energy wasted in an internal combustion engine.
Parallel hybrids are those vehicles that combine both
internal combustion engine as well as electric motor to generate energy to run
the wheels. There are some modified models that are quite different from the
plug in hybrids that are expected to be launched in the automotive market in
the near future.
In some gas electric hybrids the internal combustion gives maximum
thrust and the electric motor provides additional power for accelerating, or
while climbing hills. This mechanical approach typically allows a smaller
internal combustion engine and greater MPG. The electric motor is often the
only source of propulsion in low speed conditions, such as driving in the city
Moreover, at the risk of over simplification, a plug in
hybrid is basically reverse engineered. In simple words, the electric motor provides
heavy lifting power while the combustion engine provides the additional energy
after the energy generated by electric motor has been used up.
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